Story theater with Limor
HebrewLimor’s show offers a marvelous series of theatrical adaptations from classic children's literature and the rich world of fairy tales. Limor creatively combines a number of theatrical methods, including sets, special puppets (animals, wizards, fairies, dwarfs and other surprises), musical instruments, and rhythm and movement games. Children and adults are active throughout the show, and the whole family can enjoy this experience.
Stories include
- The Gruffalo
- The Rabbit and the Balloons
- The Dwarf and the Strawberry Wizard
- Little Hedgehog and Me
- Silver Fish and Pelican
- Hannaleh and the Shabbat Dress
- Animal Carer
- Bentzi the Elephant and the Lost Teddy Bear
- The Giraffe and the Lion
מופעים קרובים
Adaptation, design, acting and manipulation: Limor Wexselblatt
- Ages 2-4: 30 minutes
- Ages 4 and up: 45 minutes
מפרט טכני:
Set-up: 30 minutes
Take-down: 15 minutes
Easy access: required
Electrical outlet: required