Jerusalem Adloyada | the Train Theater

Jerusalem Adloyada

Train Theater presents:

Jerusalem Adloyada

Jerusalem Giant Puppet Parade

Call for Proposals and Information Submission: Visual Sculptures and Giant Puppets 

Requested Service: The Train Theater is pleased to accept information from artists and/or residents of Jerusalem interested in constructing visual sculptures and giant puppets.

Target Audience: Artists Throughout the Country and Jerusalem Residents

Event date: 25.3.2024 15 Adar II 5784, Shushan Purim

The Train Theater is working to host its first Purim Parade (Adloyada) on Shushan Purim! Jerusalem’s inaugural Adloyada will center around the little heroes in our lives – our children – who face these times with bravery and resilience. Despite everything happening, we aspire for our courageous boys and girls to enjoy a happy childhood. In literature, cinema, and life there are many heroic girls and boys. There are also courageous animals, who, much like children, bring delight – this is why we decided to include them too . 

Please note that the event has not yet received full approval, and the Train Theater cannot commit that the event will take place. We will provide an update once the event receives approval. To expedite procedures, we recommend that interested parties submit a proposed budget at this stage. 

On this page, you will find descriptions of all the calls, allowing you to find the one that best suits you and your community.

There is no obligation under the call for proposals to hold the Adloyada and/or accept any offers.

Submission deadline is 28.12 | Zoom meeting for those interested*: 18.12 at 16:00 Professional Track | 18:00 Community Track 

*Each session runs 90 minutes

*The Zoom meeting will be held in Hebrew