Nili Dvir
Visual Theater Artist
M.Ed. degree in Art and Education
1987-2013 Creator and performer in visual theater productions, including
- “The Emperor's New Clothes”
- “Peter Rabbit”
- “Who Will Save the Swamp King?”
- “Tiltul Goes For a Walk”
Awards and Scholarships
- “Tiltul Goes for a Walk”: Special Award for Puppet Theater at the Haifa International Festival of Children’s Theater
- “Who Will Save the Swamp King?”: Ministry of Education Department of Theatre Scholarship for an Original Production
- “The Emperor's New Clothes”: production scholarship from the Train Theater, Jerusalem
- "Who Will Save the Swamp King?”: Ministry of Education Award for an Original Production
- Award for 2013 Visual Theater Show of the Year; Stage Design Award, Assitej Organization and Ministry of Culture
Participation in Festivals
- International Festival of Puppet Theater, Jerusalem
- Haifa International Festival of Children’s Theater
- International Festival of Puppet Theater, Holon
- Festival of Puppet Theater, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Teaching Experience
Teaches visual theater to educators, therapists and artists, both locally and abroad
School of Puppet Theater Arts, Holon
Guest lecturer at Kibbutzim College
ARTS – The Institute For Arts In Therapy & Education, London
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