Roni Mosenson-Nelken
Taught in the School of Visual Theater for over 25 years. Currently teaching in the Artists’ Incubator with Marit Ben Yisrael.
Major Works
Co-authored the book, The Heart of the Puppet: The New Art of Puppetry, with Marit Ben Yisrael.
Past performances include “The Golden Hair,” “The High Road,” “And Now Baruch” (for television), and “Yosef Who Occasionally Still Peeps from the Bag.”
Artistic Language
Visual puppet theater for children based on direct, unconcealed activation, and on palm sensitivity and direct expression of emotion through the puppet.
A little about me
I love puppet-theater. For some 15 years, I created shows, wrote, processed, designed and performed. I also collaborated with other artists, such as Natalia Rosenthal, Re’ut Shachar and others. For the past ten years, I have been involved in touch therapy, a direct extension of my method of expression and creation in theater. Through this work, I listen to stories as they are told through people’s words and bodies. I retain contact with the theater through the Incubator and The Train Theater specifically, and artistic puppet theater in general.